The Arctic Ocean Shuttle

The Arctic Ocean Shuttle is offered to allow guests in Deadhorse and the Prudhoe Bay area an opportunity to get to the Arctic Ocean. Being a restricted access area, guests are able to make reservations to go on a security guard-operated shuttle through the oil fields and out to the coast of the Arctic Ocean. This is not a tour of the oilfields, but rather an opportunity for access to the Arctic Ocean for travelers that want to go all the way to the coast.


  • Standard DEPARTURES ARE AT 8:30AM AND 3:30Pm and last approx. 1.5 - 2 hours. Additional departures may be added if the posted times are full. Check-In is 30 minutes prior to departure.

  • Rate is $89 per person.

  • Guests meet on the west side of the main Deadhorse Camp building 30 minutes prior to departure (see  Image below).

  • Cancellations are fully refundable until two days prior to the tour travel date.

  • Each guest must provide their date of birth and full name as it appears on their U.S. State driver’s license or Passport if a foreign national. We also need the license number and State of issue or Passport number and Country of issue. You will need to be able to present the provided ID at the time of the tour if requested. For children without ID, we need their date of birth and place of birth (put a “1” in the Number field).


Book the
Arctic Ocean Shuttle!

Select Date:

Please enter a date between May 25th and September 15th

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Adult Passengers
(age 13 to adult):

(age 2 to 12)

Please enter up to 7 guests per reservation.

If you have infants under the age of 2 on the date of the shuttle, please continue with your reservation for adults and children. Then call 907-474-3565 to reserve spaces for any infants.

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Please note:
The reservation system refers to the Arctic Ocean shuttle as a "tour" or "flight" at times - the shuttle is transportation to the Arctic Ocean, not a flight or a guided tour.

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